This very tedious
page was created in your language specifically to appeal to your profile as a party that reacts according to market conditions, applicable in your location today.
Its purpose is to tell you about the competition for the best idea to use the domain www.cinema.si ... looking forward to the
future, the virtual world.
Domain names are sometimes important, because they allow consumers to find websites through search engines such as Google.
For example, Spanish film fans look for the word "cinema", while Slovenians may find domains containing the word 'kino'.
In the case of www.cinema.si, the special symbioses between the big screen and the internet increase the potential marketing
The winner will get to use www.cinema.si for their winning idea. And all the other ideas that they choose.
Entry is free and open to anyone worldwide. To enter, simply write your idea
in English and email it to cinema@ptuj.co.uk