To Energija Plus, 16 October 2024:


Za prekoračitev dogovorjene moči mora obstajati povprečno obdobje, v katerem je dogovorjena moč presežena. Verjetno lahko potrdite, da je to 15 minut za odjemalce s 15-minutnimi števci. Kolikšen je ta povprečni čas, če nimate 15-minutnega števca?

Kako drugače bi bilo mogoče izračunati - zdaj 4.6kW - presežek, razen mesečno - zaradi česar bi bilo preseganje omejitve raje malo verjetno?

Ali se poleg porabe razlikujejo še kakšne fiksne pristojbine glede na dogovorjeno moč?


Note to readers: the concept of the noun "averaging time" may present some difficulties in the Slovene language and I have no idea whether the message is getting across.

To the Slovenian Ombudsman, 18 October 2024:

Dear Varuh


Thank you for your explanation and especially the dual-language reply. Elektro and Energija Plus have not replied. After reviewing several websites recommended by them and others, I have sent the above email addressing the crux of the matter. If they were to say somewhere that they plan to make everyone's 15-minute meter work in the next two years I would accept that as a plan. But nowhere is it explained how the measurement of actual use vs. agreed power is calculated for those whose 15-minute meter is not considered reliable (by the operator) and for whom 15 minutes therefore cannot be the averaging time. 

I realise most people will not be interested in these mathematical adventures and that includes the customer service staff of the operators. As the focus is almost exclusively on time blocks, whatever the merits of the new system in terms of behaviour modification, this is limited to persuading people to buy time switches, stay in bed all day, and dine at midnight. For those of us more interested in how an agreed power can be exceeded without an averaging time, or whether the averaging time is per time block, per day, or per month, it would be somewhat surprising (and yet not) if the answer was unavailable. 

The absence of such an answer suggests the operator has no way of finding out if the customer has used too much, for too long, and I wonder what kind of fool would think it was a good idea to assert such a calculation was possible.

I enclose https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/henry-goddard-and-the-elimination-of-feeble-mindedness/34928744 as a reminder of how the "brightest and the best" often go along with nonsense without a moment's pause. The slide about "dumb Polacks" is inaccurate though - this stereotype was carried to the USA by Germans before Goddard. I can't find it in any of his works but it wouldn't be surprising if he agreed with that.

Your explanation of your powers seems to assume the respondents always respond. Obviously anything which would enable customers to outwit the operators at unpredictable charges would not be very popular with the latter, which is why we are seeing this mass-distraction with time blocks. 

The missing information is essential to the concreteness to which you allude. To infer that the operator has the right to just ignore anyone asking what is their method of calculation, is not much of a right, and if they do not explain in full the result is the same as if they explained nothing at all.

In terms of exhausting the legal processes I have copied the Energy Agency in with this email and I hereby ask them to raise a ticket and take over the investigation, which I am sure you will follow with interest since you also have an electricity bill.

Thank you. 

Zahvaljujem se vam za razlago in še posebej za odgovor v dveh jezikih. Elektro in Energija Plus nista odgovorila. Po pregledu več spletnih strani, ki so jih priporočili oni in drugi, sem poslal zgornje elektronsko sporočilo, ki obravnava bistvo zadeve. Če bi nekje zapisali, da nameravajo v naslednjih dveh letih poskrbeti, da bo 15-minutni števec deloval za vse, bi to sprejel kot načrt. Nikjer pa ni pojasnjeno, kako se izračuna merjenje dejanske porabe v primerjavi z dogovorjeno močjo za tiste, katerih 15-minutni števec ni zanesljiv (po mnenju operaterja) in za katere 15 minut zato ne more biti čas povprečenja.
Zavedam se, da večine ljudi te matematične pustolovščine ne bodo zanimale, kar velja tudi za osebje operaterjev, ki skrbi za stranke. Ker je poudarek skoraj izključno na časovnih blokih, je ne glede na prednosti novega sistema v smislu spreminjanja vedenja ta omejen na prepričevanje ljudi, naj kupujejo časovna stikala, ostanejo ves dan v postelji in obedujejo ob polnoči. Za tiste, ki nas bolj zanima, kako je mogoče preseči dogovorjeno moč brez časa povprečenja, ali je čas povprečenja na časovni blok, na dan ali na mesec, bi bilo nekoliko presenetljivo (in vendar ne), če odgovor ne bi bil na voljo.
Odsotnost takšnega odgovora pomeni, da operater nima možnosti ugotoviti, ali je stranka porabila preveč in predolgo, in sprašujem se, kateri bedak bi mislil, da je dobra ideja trditi, da je takšen izračun mogoč.

Prilagam spletno stran https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/henry-goddard-and-the-elimination-of-feeble-mindedness/34928744 kot opomnik, kako se „najpametnejši in najboljši“ pogosto brez pomisleka strinjajo z neumnostmi. Slikanica o „neumnih Poljakih“ je sicer netočna - ta stereotip so v ZDA prenesli Nemci pred Goddardom. Ne najdem ga v nobenem njegovem delu, vendar ne bi bilo presenetljivo, če bi se s tem strinjal.

Zdi se, da vaša razlaga vaših pooblastil predvideva, da se anketiranci vedno odzovejo. Očitno je, da vse, kar bi strankam omogočalo prelisičiti operaterje z nepredvidljivimi stroški, pri slednjih ne bi bilo zelo priljubljeno, zato smo priča temu množičnemu odvračanju pozornosti s časovnimi bloki.
Manjkajoče informacije so bistvene za konkretnost, na katero se sklicujete. Sklepanje, da ima operater pravico, da preprosto ignorira vsakogar, ki vpraša, kakšna je njegova metoda izračuna, ni ravno pravšnja pravica, in če ne pojasni v celoti, je rezultat enak, kot če ne bi pojasnil ničesar.

V smislu izčrpanja pravnih postopkov sem k temu elektronskemu sporočilu pripisal tudi Agencijo za energijo in jih prosim, da vložijo prijavo in prevzamejo preiskavo, ki jo boste zagotovo z zanimanjem spremljali, saj imate tudi vi račun za elektriko.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Fun Fact: 31% of the annual quarter hours are on work free days.
Zanimivost: 31 % letnih četrtin ur je na dela proste dneve.