PASTOR - is a mafioso

PRINCIPAL - is a robot

JERMAN (teacher) - is a tough maverick beach police detective

KOMAR (teacher) - Jerman's cop partner

HVASTJA (teacher) - hot dog serfer girl, obsessed with sausages

LOJZKA (teacher) - serfer girl who can't act

GENI (teacher) - hierarchy-obsessed Nazi submarine captain

MINKA (teacher) - egalitarianism-obsessed Soviet submarine committee girl

DOCTOR - a gadget guy who wears a futuristic silver suit and is very clumsy, prone to self-injury

POSTPERSON - is a rapping gossiping serfer

MAYOR - is a funky jive-talking cokehead

ANKA (mayor’s daughter) - airhead valley girl

JERMAN’S MOTHER - waitress serfer, a passed-over physics research professor

KALANDER (blacksmith) - psycho serfer

KALANDER'S WIFE - has the thing for getting stones out of horses' hooves

PISEK (alcoholic) - the most acrobatic of the serfers.

NACE (peasant) - Nova24TV-style conspiracy theorist serfer

PEASANT - a serfer who is only interested in the past

BARTENDER - zombie

Peasants, labourers, chorus, backing vocals, angry mob - the DRAMATIC PORPOISES - a tight crew that shoals synchronously

Synopsis for Act One:

Cowabunga, dudes and dudettes! Act One, right here in the mayor's chill garden. Picture it: white crib with a rad balcony on the right, green stockade in the back, and a gnarly shed on the left. Tables under the trees and on the balcony. Jerman and Anka kick it in front of the shed, totally catching the vibes.

Dude, I can't even believe the vibes in this garden right now. Jerman and Anka are having this gnarly conversation by the shed. She's all like, "I'm outta here," and he's laying down some serious weather talk. But she's all, "You're totally plain, man!"

And then, out of nowhere, Anka drops this whole "love is like a humpback or a goat-face" metaphor, and Jerman's like, "Whoa, no need to be so harsh, bro." He's all about that weather chat again, but she's just not digging it.

Anka's got that Valley Girl vibe going on, saying love's like a fresh blouse or a colorful ribbon. Jerman's all serious, talking about his heavy heart and how he's just not into giggles and laughter. But Anka's like, "Nah, I'm not feeling it. Let's just shake a goodbye."

And then she's off to her pad, leaving Jerman looking kinda bummed, man. But Minka and Geni roll up, and Minka's all about this election buzz. Geni's like, "Dude, I just want some beer," but Minka's all serious, talking about the nation's fate and lobsters in her dreams. It's like, whoa, they're not playing around.

But then Lojzka joins the scene, saying she's not gonna judge the election drama. Minka's not having it, going on about intellect and stuff, and Geni's still all like, "Where's my beer?"

And just when you think it's gonna get heavy, Komar shows up, yelling that they're victorious. Minka's all, "Numbers?" but Komar's just pumped, talking about being drunk for days and how they're totally gonna crush it. He's like, "Fill my glass, Katarina!" and Minka's up on her feet, saying they better not doubt the victory.

But then Komar's like, "Whoa, Lojzka, you've been silent lately." And he's got all these accusations, calling them out for not being as stoked as he is. It's getting pretty tense.

And that's when Hvastja rolls in, dropping the bombshell that they need to pray the Rosary. Komar's losing it, man. He's all like, "You'll expiate that line!" and the mayor, doctor, and principal arrive to drop the news that progressives won by just one vote. It's like the tension is so thick you could serf on it, bro!


Jerman: Anka! Your love vibes hit me like a big wave, man. Can't be too harsh, gotta go with the flow... let's chat about the weather.

Anka: Seriously, you're such a downer!

Jerman: I'm thinking these rad days might not last forever.

Anka: What do you want from me, then?

Jerman: Every sunny ride has to end in some thunder and hail, ya know?

Anka: This is like, goodbye, I guess?

Jerman: No worries, babe. Just let me know if this farewell is for real, don't hold back! For you, love's like a fresh tee, or like a funky ribbon on your hat. Me, just a regular dude from the hills, thought it was different. My bad. So, peace out!

Anka: Love's only good when it's a wild ride, huh? You're judging me for laughing instead of crying, for wearing white instead of black, for being young. Bet you'll judge me soon for not having a hunch or a squint yet. Your words are totally basic, dude.

Jerman: Don't harsh my vibe, babe! Your laughter hit me hard, got me trippin' – I'm all about that good vibe, you know? You didn't even ask why I don't chuckle, and I didn't even mention my rowdy past. No biggie! I'd rather you talk about hate than pity, swear than beg. Not looking for sympathy, just want you to say the L-word.

Anka: What word? I'm not into dull talk and boring thoughts. If love's a drag, I'm out! You're just another square hillbilly. Your vibe kills my buzz. Life, youth, spring, love – they're all about class and being high and mighty to you. Look, no hard feelings – but if you hit the hay in your farmer boots, I'm out. I'm all about high heels and a throne. Your vibe doesn't make me laugh, and I don't shed tears around you. Peace! Heads into their crib.

Jerman: Watching her go. Dude, you lost her before you even had her. It's like, late evening for me and the sun hasn't even risen. Strolls over to the garden's back door.

Minka: You not shakin' and hopin', sorrowful Romeo?

Jerman: Woah, what's with the shake and hope? I'm no poet, man.

Minka: How can you not shake when they're like, deciding the fate of the whole Slovenian crew today?

Geni: Jerman's got his head on straight. I'd rather have a sweet meal than this wild circus. All these stunts just make me thirsty for a drink, that's all.

Jerman: Who's getting judged? And by who, dude?

Minka: You not thinkin' 'bout the election?

Jerman: Oh yeah, that thing! Whether they pick saints or "gypsies," my threads won't change, and my kicks won't either.

Minka: That attitude's diggin' an early grave for our crew!

Jerman: Quit jabberin', man! The peeps will decide for themselves, not some bow-tie or priest doin' it for 'em! Heads to the garden door, almost bumping into Lojzka. Meanwhile, Minka and Geni snag a spot on a bench below the balcony.

Lojzka: To Jerman. Sup, man. They fist bump. Why you ain't waitin' on the word about who's callin' the shots in our hood?

Jerman: Read enough intros today, dude. Bouncin'.

Geni: Who knows why so many cats are chattin' up a storm today. Being conservative's cool, being progressive's cool, but the best thing ever is a hot, tasty meal, man!

Minka: You're like, totally apathetic!

Geni: And chill, man!

Minka: You ain't even liftin' a finger to stand up for our crew, if they make us all into holy rollers and nuns.

Geni: Not liftin' a finger, bro! We'd be rollin' in some fat stacks if we were nuns, though.

Minka: I'm shakin', man. Skipped lunch, ain't gonna dinner. Just an hour left... or, like, half an hour till it's all done. What if the sunshine of freedom's gone, you know? Or... I had a dream last night, I was chowin' down on lobsters. What's that even mean?

Lojzka: Probably a raise, man!

Minka: You ain't got a heart beatin' in your chest or a brain in your head? You're smilin' and laughin' while our crew's strugglin'... You said you were all intellectual, smoke like other brainiacs. Any intellectual would... Look at Komar! Dude's been sloshed for three days straight, 'bout to lose it... All for the cause, man! Not many as hardcore as him.

Geni: Three days? Seriously? Turns to the bartender who's showin' up from the balcony. Give me a brew, man!

Minka: He bet ten liters of wine that our enemies are gonna get crushed. The flag of free thought will... you know... What's your call?

Lojzka: Ain't my call to make. My call wouldn't change a thing. The count won't budge an inch either way.

Minka: Such apathy!

Geni: And chill vibes, man!

Minka: I'm tellin' you now – remember my words when it's judgment day. We're gonna party hard. Victory's like, right there... I trust our crew! And if darkness comes over our land... we'll see who steps up. We'll see who drops the ego and fights on, keeps it real through the struggle!

Lojzka: Let's hope it don't come to that, and we don't gotta see who stands and who falls.

Geni: Not down to sacrifice ourselves... No point, man! Here comes Komar, cruisin' up the road and into the garden.

Komar: We're takin' it, dudes!

Minka: How many votes?

Komar: Not official yet! But victory's right around the corner, been around for days, weeks, a year even! Fill my glass, Katarina! Kicks back.

Minka: So you're sure 'bout this?

Komar: Who's doubting, man? Doubting's like, betrayin' the whole crew... I'd smash this glass on anyone's head who does!... I was strollin' into this sweet garden, ran into the priest. They looked so beat down, man. Carrying the weight of the world. Almost didn't recognize 'em. If I didn't, I woulda slipped 'em some cash for the poor, you know? They asked, "How you holdin' up, Komar?" I'm like, "We're gettin' better every day." They gave me this kinda sad smile, while I laughed so hard... Ha ha, tears still in my eyes!

Lojzka: Tears of joy?

Komar: Nah, man. Tears of laughin' so hard!

Doctor: Always been that way, bro! Six years back, they snagged the win by just six votes!

Komar: Dude, what's the deal? It's "we" won, not "they" won. And seriously, where did all these bugs come from? You don't even notice them when it's all sunshine and good vibes. Suddenly they're everywhere, man. Turns to Hvastja. What were you sayin', Hvastja?

Hvastja: Not a thing, man. Just tryin' to soak in the moment, if you don't mind. Mayor, doctor, and principal kick it on the balcony. Komar's posted up on the stairs. Teachers and Kvasja are chillin' under the balcony.

Principal: Don't worry! Our nation's got its act together, inner peace and all that. Let's trust the nation, let's also trust the massive progress that's like, as natural as the tides – can't stop it, won't stop it.

Mayor: Our hood ain't sealing the election. It's been a dark zone forever, and it's gonna keep that vibe; like cursed or somethin'!

Komar: Nah, man, it ain't staying that way! What do you mean, "will stay dark"? Seriously, mayor, that's halfway to surrenderin' to the clerics! Heads to the table where teachers are at. Takes a sip and points at Hvastja. If we go along with what these clerics are pushin'...

Hvastja: You gonna do the prayers I assigned or follow my lead, sinner?

Minka: The village could totally be a different color. Our biggest flaw is bein' all passive, man!

Geni: So careless, dude!

Doctor: I'm so zen, I didn't even cast a vote. I know our peeps like the back of my hand. They hit up churches and pilgrimages, the whole nine yards... But it's all just routine! Like, it's all ancient tradition and outdated national norms! The clerics are just holding down the old traditions and habits... Let the politicians shake things up and bring in new benefits... That's when the peeps will have their say. I once knew this priest who suggested cancelin' one holiday... Dude nearly got lynched. Ask a regular joe if we should ditch religion or an annual fair. They'll give you an answer in a heartbeat. To them, priests ain't apostles; they're defenders of traditions, parties, and celebrations. So the peasants respect 'em, but not for the reasons you'd think.

Principal: Let's aim for a science-based education...

Doctor: Better yet, a material-scientific education.

Principal: ... a material-scientific education eventually leads people away from religious parties and their advocates. Let's dedicate ourselves to that noble cause!

Doctor: That's my jam. Our people are traditional when it comes to habits, but they're smart as hell. Way smarter than we give 'em credit for!

Mayor: So be it!

Komar: It's gonna be, man. We'll see it before the sun sets. Hvastja... You're payin' for the final mass and the clerics tonight...

Hvastja: You gonna do the prayers I assigned or follow my lead, sinner?

Komar: Points at Hvastja. Look at this, there's a human in our midst – a Jew among apostles, a fake among the holy guard. Who's to say others didn't sell out to Mephisto too? It ain't common, but it happens. I gotta know – were they just slackin' or evil? If they're slackin', may God forgive 'em. If they're dark, real evil, may something bigger forgive 'em, 'cause they've trapped themselves.

Hvastja: Stands up all calm. Dude, I ain't here for your confessions or admissions... Nor am I here to confess to you.

Principal: Turns to Komar. Your thoughts are smart and just, but the rhetoric's a bit much.

Doctor: Bitter thoughts need sweet words – like medicine in honeyed water.

Komar: We didn't come here to confess, and we didn't come here to overhear your chat. Our words, barely out, are already penned down, line by line – only the cosmos knows who we'll spill the beans to one day.

Hvastja: Chugs up and exits. You'll spill 'em to me, and you'll beg for pardon when you do, on your knees. Leaves the scene.

Lojzka: No need for insults, man!

Komar: That shady eavesdropper!... What? We're just chattin' at a decent time... During a celebration... Hearts pumped with hope and nerves... Mouths filled with the word of freedom. Then outta nowhere, this shadow priest shows up, all dressed in black. Seriously, it ticks me off. Let those bugs drown in their flattery and fake speeches.

Milka: Totally... Their black outfit and Bible, all in this sacred moment...

Geni: I dig 'em, 'cause they're a joke.

Lojzka: Maybe we should bring up freedom of religion and belief?

Komar: What belief? Belief is just a sad tale... Let his missus tell him to ditch a belief for breakfast, one for lunch, and one for dinner – he'll do it!

Lojzka: Who said that?

Komar: It's written all over his mug.

Geni: As cheerful as they act, they're still no good.

Komar: Who's sayin' they're not scum? Not scum? Then I'm scum too!

Lojzka: Scum, scum, you're the real scum.

Komar: What? Seriously, man, I'm asking you, Mr. Principal.

Principal: Mx. Lojzka, you've crossed the line of decent conversation.

Komar: Angry. Scum!

Lojzka: You disrespected someone among us!

Komar: Scum!

Minka: To Lojzka. Have you and him even shared the cup of friendship yet?

Lojzka: He hasn't asked me to swap beliefs yet... You, he'll ask soon. Before sunrise, you'll be all in.

Principal: Why the wait on the backstabbing? It's hot and humid in here... Can you hit up the post office?

Mayor: The postperson said they're coming themselves with the scoop.

Doctor: It's gettin' late. Still feels sticky and hot, like high noon. Anka and a young student roll onto the balcony from inside the crib, pass through the garden all hyped, and end up at the shed. As they go, Jerman cruises in through the main entrance, gets a shout-out from Anka.

Komar: To Jerman. They're splitting to do the chant... for the party.

Jerman: Party?

Komar: It's a celebration for tonight's win. Jerman chills quietly. Postperson rolls up to the garden entrance, waving their hands like crazy. Everyone rushes over, shouting.

Postperson: Yo, everyone! All of you! Listen up!

Everyone: What? Everyone's shouting.

Postperson: (rapping) Hey there, dudes and dudettes, gather 'round quick,
We had a big election and the winner's a prick.

So the results came in, and oh man, brace,
White racists took over in a race election race.

Serfer vibe's all about chill and the sun,
But this twist in politics, it's got us spun.
Can you believe the chaos that's going on?
Gotta spill the beans, let's keep it real and strong.

The government's a mess, drama's on the rise,
Hate and controversy, it's no surprise.
But hey, we're serfers, we ride waves so wild,
Turning this mess around, gotta be styled.

Gossip's like waves, it spreads fast and wide,
But let's focus on love, put negativity aside.
We'll ride this wave, no matter how bad,
With unity and hope, we'll make things rad.

So stay stoked, my friends, in this political ride,
Spreading good vibes, let's turn the tide.
Gossipy waves might crash on the shore,
But we're serfers, we'll rise, and ask for more!

Everyone: Sits back, quiet. Everyone's pretty devastated. From here on, speech is softer, hesitant, unsure.

Principal: If we ponder it some more...

Mayor: If we scrutinize it real close...

Komar: The people's will... Like, sacred will...

Doctor: Ultimately...

Principal: It's not our place to judge when the nation already has.

Mayor: The nation's solid and real.

Komar: They know what's up, where the truth and justice are.

Doctor: It didn't come to us to get a verdict... It's watchin' its own moves...

Mayor: What's best for it... Its own desire too...

Principal: It was asked, and it responded from its own soul...

Komar: I'm its child, I ain't gonna fight its choices...

Doctor: Progress is a rad concept...

Komar: Freedom is like, totally awesome, man...

Geni: But you know what's even more rad? Cakes and muffins, bro.

Anka: In the shed. You raised that liberty flag high, sent the enemy into a bottomless pit... Haha! Epic, man, epic!

Komar: Swings in the general direction of the shed. Nah, all good!

Anka: From inside the shed. Not necessary?

Komar: No need for progress, enemies, or deep chasms!

Anka: No need?

Komar: Just need to dance, dude.

Anka: Thank the vibes. Pastor rolls up – tall, well-fed, struttin' with pride. Makes his way up super slow and smooth, onto the balcony. Everybody rushes over to greet him, bowing down, but it's all quiet. Only he responds kind of sadly, just lowering his head a bit in response to the bows. His eyes meet Jerman's for a moment, who's just chilling in the background, keeping his distance from the man of the cloth.

Synopsis of Act Two

Act 2: Drama on the Waves

Dude, Act 2 is where things get dramatic. We're still at the manor, but it's like a storm's rolling in. Pastor, the East Coast gangster, is causing a ruckus, talking about faith and forgiveness. And there's Jerman, the tough maverick detective, having a heavy heart-to-heart with his peeps. He's all about his mom and some deep regrets. Doctor's there too, in his futuristic silver suit, spouting wisdom and getting all philosophical. It's like the waves are crashing hard, and emotions are running high.


Komar: In the school library, dude. The exit's on the right. You got the principal's office doors in the back. There's a window on the left, with a workbench and some chairs in front of it. Walls are covered in bookshelves. Komar's standin' by the workbench. If we axed all the unfaithful books, and all the devil-guided ones, we'd be left with just the New Testament, man.

Principal: Yelling from the office. Keep filterin', even if all that's left is the Catechism. While this is happening, Hvastja strolls in from the right.

Komar: Turns around, almost jumpin', grabs Hvastja's hands. Yo, Comrade Hvastja, what's the word?

Hvastja: You tell me, you callin' a "clerical," a "caitiff," a "black-suite"?

Komar: Dude, let's keep it chill! No need to analyze every word that pops out... There's something cosmic that's gonna weigh our thoughts and hearts when the time's right. I mean, at the end of the day, what sinful nonsense did I even say?

Hvastja: "Clerical," "clergyman!"

Komar: Think about it, man. I was wasted! When you're tipsy, you don't care if you're throwin' shade at the devil or a saint. Plus, "Cleric" ain't even a harsh diss; some clergy can be righteous and fair, 'cause what they do is sacred!

Hvastja: "Caitiff!"

Komar: What?

Hvastja: I told you to do some penance for callin' me a "caitiff."

Komar: My bad, believe me, I'm majorly sorry. "Caitiff" wasn't meant the way most peeps take it. Drunk, I was just givin' props to your chill and composed vibe with an, uh, less-than-perfect word...

Hvastja: For "the final mass and the clerical," I ordered you to do some penance.

Komar: If it's penance you need, Your Excellence – with all respect – gimme a task worthy of a dude like me, and I'll own it.

Hvastja: I said you gotta kneel and beg, bro!

Komar: What kind of crazy order is that? Not even God would lay down that command!

Hvastja: I said you gotta beg on your knees!

Komar: You're pushin' an order your heart ain't even behind. Just give me something like slappin' my cheeks, hittin' up Sunday mass barefoot, or rockin' a big ol' sign on my jacket – I'm down for whatever, man!

Hvastja: I said kneel and beg, bro!

Komar: Seriously, dude, you don't know squat about a man's pride! How can I talk to you now, how can I face a mirror, how can I even stand my own company while keepin' my truth to myself?

Hvastja: I said kneel!

Komar: Drops down on one knee. There, Your Highness!

Hvastja: Points at the floor. Both knees!

Komar: Drops down on both knees. If God's got even a smidge more mercy than you, we're all good. Gets up.

Hvastja: Chill as ever. I've aged, got hitched, popped out triplets. But I ain't ever knelt to another. Komar turns around silently and takes a step toward the workbench.

Principal: Yells from their office. Did Jerman roll in yet?

Hvastja: I don't think he's droppin' in, man.

Principal: Enters the library and steps onto the platform. Welcome, Mr. Hvastja! We're sortin' out the library; you wouldn't believe how stubborn literary weeds are, spreadin' fast and wild. Who knows how, right?

Komar: Takes a seat before the Principal finishes the welcome. Must be Satan and Jerman's handy work!

Principal: We fought, all of us fought, just to see daylight, dear Komar! It's in our peeps' nature to turn the most painful experiences into...

Komar: Just whip 'em! Whip all that...

Principal: Long story short, it's way cooler and brighter to forget the days of old misfortune – think about 'em only as much as you need to remember the dangers and the wrongs... 'Cause there's no book more valuable than the novel of your own suffering. Go on, dear Hvastja! Fetch Jerman for us. You're a dude with wisdom in your noggin, a heart of gold, and words of insight. Hvastja bows and exits the scene.

Komar: Why even bother, man? If they wanna stir up trouble, let 'em. Should we beg 'em, down on our knees, not to work on the Sabbath and not to pray to the Devil?

Principal: Oh, dear Komar, think about this... Think about how the Father welcomed and forgave his Prodigal Son!

Komar: The Father did greet his prodigal son, but he didn't go lookin' for him!

Principal: Oh, you've always been harsh and unforgiving, Komar. It's the true Christian way to pray for your brother wanderin' blind through the depths of hell. Grabs a notebook and studies it closely. I'm not sure much of this library will survive. As he steps toward the bookshelf, Komar follows. You kept Prešeren among the holiest authors?

Komar: Let 'em chill in God's shade. Prešeren got baptized posthumously... Right?

Principal: Why'd you hang on to Gregorčič?

Komar: They converted too. In a totally miraculous way!

Principal: Aškerc?

Komar: Exile, exorcise, and toss those curses into the fire! Launches their works onto the ground, kicking 'em. Let their souls squirm in torment!

Principal: Lord, have mercy. Tavčar?

Komar: I didn't even bother reading their stuff... It's clear those words ain't pure Catechism. Throws Tavčar's works down aggressively.

Principal: You didn't read it? You didn't bring these books in?

Komar: Who? Me?

Principal: Who came into the library shoutin' "long live Tavčar!" and then stumbled on the floor, barely saving their noggin, with books crashin' down all around?

Komar: Who? Oh... Who preached that we gotta preserve the literary value of the author so...

Principal: Let's not awaken the memories of mistakes and sins long washed away through penance and redemption! Oh, check it, some of Cankar's works! Erase 'em from this Devil-infested place!

Komar: Boot 'em out! Throws the books aside, red-faced. Kicks 'em. This writer ain't even a liberal... But... Only the cosmos knows what they are!

Principal: Let's pray for their soul. Picks up another book from the shelf, inspecting it closely. Ha! What?

Komar: Checks out the same book. Ha! What's up?

Principal: "Tomaž Kempčan: Following Christ." The principal and Komar exchange confused looks. Dude, Komar, you didn't bring this book in, right?

Komar: And neither did you, Mr. Principal.

Principal: Drop it on the workbench, Komar. Whoever brought this book into this Devil-frequented room knew what they were doing. Whoever brought it was on the same frequency, man.

Komar: It used to be there, you know... Hung right under the Tsar's pic, if I recall correctly.

Principal: "If you recall correctly," you said. There was definitely something, and it would still be there if it wasn't in human nature to get lost in the dark...

Komar: Lost in the dark... Principal exits. The principal mumbles as he watches the Principal leave. He'd rat out his own brother, snitch on his pops, and spill the beans on his mama.

Principal: Comes back, carrying a tiny crucifix. The screw's holding up, kinda rusty though. Steps up to the wall. And the hole's still there too. Hooks the crucifix onto the wall. Many years have passed since we made that call, blinded by the Devil, to...

Komar: Waves his hand. Forget it.

Principal: Komar, you were chanting like you were the Anti-Christ!

Komar: And then you took me out to dinner.

Principal: Waves his hand. Forget it. Lojzka and Geni stroll in from the right, both with tears of joy.

Geni: I'm down for it, let's spill our sins. I copped myself a Bible, bro!

Lojzka: And whoever humbles themselves in redemption... Let's cleanse away those sins with some suffering and love, man!

Principal: Not digging how lighthearted you're being in this heavy time.

Lojzka: I'm not making fun, I swear! They warned us about an eternal fast, so let's... Evolve...

Geni: I'm luckier. Got myself a Bible. It's all about the image, dude; the rest will sort itself out.

Principal: With a somewhat approving look. Ma'am, your words are kinda out there, not fully thought through – but there's some truth in 'em. Gotta keep the outer self from sinning through appearances and actions. The inner self's up to God to judge.

Lojzka: How can you put this wisdom... In more layman terms?

Principal: Think about how wrong it is to misinterpret your family's stories, how impolite it is to twist the words of your superiors. Now grade my speech: unguarded calm can easily turn into mistrust. I don't want my understanding and kindness for you to turn into sinful permissiveness.

Lojzka: Thanks for the enlightening talk.

Geni: Try your best to follow it, so God doesn't have to sentence you to eternal fasting and penance boot camp.

Komar: He's been quiet till now, preferring to hang back by the workbench. I think it's smart to weigh our words when the people around us aren't really our comrades by heart, just by ear.

Lojzka: Dude, what's your point?

Komar: You heard me loud and clear.

Lojzka: Happily. Holy saints and serf gods! Your words and your vibe from back then... How you kneeled at the altar... To the priest!

Komar: Jumps up, a mix of anger and fear. Who kneeled? To whom?

Geni: Still smiling. You even kissed his hands, man.

Komar: Liar! I didn't plant a smooch on his hands! Remembers. If I had kneeled in front of some random toll collector and kissed his hands – who could blame a true Christian?

Geni: Keeps that grin. No need to blush, dude. I got myself a Bible too.

Principal: To Lojzka. My apologies for having to remind you of the eternal rule not to turn schools into ideological battlegrounds, especially in a way that's only cool on Friday nights.

Lojzka: Bows silently.

Komar: Steps up, getting preachy. If you ain't with the people, you're against 'em. How can a sinner guide the youth? The people would totally bail if they had their kids taught by a soulless and faithless being. It'd be... kinda like... cultural suicide.

Lojzka: You say that so well... I read it like that too.

Geni: To Lojzka. Why even bother, oh wandering soul, diving into the wilderness of Athens?

Komar: Hvastja's on that too... Can't really get a read on their true self, even with a dozen magnifying glasses.

Principal: They measure their words and always wear black when they meet.

Komar: That's what I was thinking! Who knows if his suit's truly black. Who sneaks around all quiet, building stuff in loneliness and solitude... Where's he sneakin' to and what's he building? Hvastja enters from the right.

Principal: Dear Hvastja!

Komar: What did he say?

Hvastja: He said he's coming.

Komar: He's coming?

Hvastja: He said he's coming to see who's gonna pull off the crazier stunt.

Komar: What?

Hvastja: He said this kind of aerobics is all the rage now – crossfitting all over our sacred homeland.

Principal: What's the point of his blabber? Is it a comedy or a congrats?

Geni: Smirking. It's envy, man. They can't do the tricks, so they just blame everyone else.

Komar: Puts a finger to his lips. Can't you hear? Don't you know the drill? Everyone present goes silent and stands up straight. Komar heads to the door, a brief pause follows. He swings open the doors and performs a deep bow.

Pastor: Let's give thanks to our Lord and Savior!

Everyone: Forever and ever, amen!

Principal: Senior Pastor, the teachers' crew salutes you with honor: salutes the Church's reps, the Church that's always been entrusted with our youth.

Pastor: Y-yeah...

Principal: 'Cause the real deal is teamwork between the Church and the School. Our future's gonna shine – the future of our nation and all humanity. A new dawn's on the horizon after the Reunification, so to speak.

Pastor: S-sure... Comes closer.

Principal: It really happened – but show me someone who's never stumbled in the dark... There were some redeeming and unsettling incidents in our village, and yet...

Pastor: Uh-huh. Takes a seat. I came by and, like, I'm bringing an invite for dinner.

Komar: Senior Pastor!

Pastor: Glances at Komar briefly. Dinner. No need to hash out unpleasant stories in what's, like, a chill gathering. What's done is done. The school department's got plenty on their plate; don't let 'em add to mine. You're not gonna recite the Rosary at the semester meeting, right...

Komar: Senior Pastor...

Pastor: You won't recite the Rosary. So I think the best move here is to have a real talk. Some of you were, like, getting all preachy, and that's in the past. The conference isn't the time for that, ya feel?

Komar: Senior Pastor...

Pastor: You won't recite the Rosary. So it's all good. Lojzka and Geni won't be able to keep their faces straight, they're covered in tears of joy.

Minka: Speaks fast and gallantly. May we thank our Lord and Christ! Pardon me for I am late, Senior Pastor, pardon me. I was at the confession.

Pastor: Salutes gently. Not long ago, there were many deceivers among you women… Traitors to your sex and to your class…

Minka: Senior Pastor!

Pastor: That is how it was hitherto. It shall all diverge, your looks suggest. My heart beats in happiness and glory, seeing as you all’ve been enlightened – there was no need for blood and tears to pour… For whenever you are blinded and fail to decide by a ration, do not ask your heart but learn from experience.

Principal: The cabinet is aware of its duties in front of the god and the Nation.

Pastor: It must be aware… For I believe enlightenment does not only occur on one’s outer self, but as well resonates in the heart, thus no further preaching and experience of a sword is a necessity now. I must add: teacher shall remain a teacher and work from behind his barrier – the barrier set by the People and the Church. Thus, do not let them bother with matters they are not paid for. Had a landlord ordered their serf to grind the wheat and the wheat was inflamed instead of ground, the landlord will call for the troopers to chain the evil traitor. Such a serf is the teacher ordered to point their students to faith and god but ends up doing the opposite. The principal, Komar and Minka bow and look at the Pastor in fear. Who among you shows wrong-doers, drunkards and sinners their way into a faithless community and builds a base to faithlessness and to the Anti-Christ?

Principal: Softly. Senior Pastor…

Komar: Stands up. Jerman’s work… I saw him among such people… I saw him with my eyes. I know him… He apparently voiced chants and slurs no human being would understand by themselves.

Pastor: Looks at Komar and then turns around. He is absent.

Principal: Badly scared. I did not realize, Senior Pastor… Let us not discuss this sad incident… Et please…

Hvastja: Has just stood up. He said he would come. Goes to the window.

Komar: Follows Hvastja, takes a look through the window. He has been standing down there! With whom? With Kalander, the blacksmith… The one to coop his wife in the byre, for she wished to pilgrimage.

Minka: This person should long have been expelled from teaching! So to say, brother to drunkards, so to say…

Geni: Truly, this apathy and carelessness…

Pastor: Do not judge the sinner ‘till you do not name ‘em.

Jerman: Entering from the right. How do you all do!

Pastor: Stands up and shakes hands with Jerman. How do you do?

Principal: Apparently saddened. What have you done…

Jerman: Surprised. What wrong have I done?

Principal: How come you forgot to take your honor and right in consideration?

Pastor: Y-yes. Do not counter a sinner with blame and threat, but a brotherly hug. Sir Jerman, we all feel badly insulted by you and your activities…

Jerman: Tell me what your excellence desires.

Pastor: … And because of your activities. You know well the times have changed and now Truth has come to light. The people have voiced their demands from their saviors from the judgment halls and their teachers...

Jerman: Ha ha! You have enlightened me a little now. Do tell me more! Sits.

Komar: Who do you talk to like such?

Jerman: What? You too, Rodomonte? I shall shave my cheeks and the sandals of mine shall dissolve!

Pastor: Sits down. … And their teachers. There are many who carry the opinion – we shall bury our beliefs or however you call such tones. Many have buried it and kept it silent.

Jerman: I would be glad to receive an order by now.

Pastor: Thus, I tell you how the people’s will does not give a damn for your ideology or however you title your policies of the interior. A true serf labors their ration as commanded upon – if ordered to step onto the field, they do not run into a jungle.

Jerman: Stands up. I do not understand. Who called for this sacred tribunal to gather?

Pastor: Stands up. It would please me greatly, had you come to avoid digging a trench between the two of us… For such a trench would only carry undesired troubles; carrying Sisyphus's rocks is uneasy even though one is responsible for their own penalty.

Jerman: With a serious expression. I understand now. Sits down.

Principal: As I foresaw – they wandered through darkness and Devil’s like many of us did; now they have been enlightened for once.

Geni: For progress is a natural necessity. Lojzka stands up, closes in to the window and looks at Jerman.

Pastor: Sits down very calmly. It’s been a long time since you arrived… Since you moved into our fancy village. I developed a liking for you quickly on, as you are a person who takes care to listen to an honest line; does not misrender nor break it apart in their heart. I am feeling bad aches seeing you on a path the Nation cannot stand behind. Say a drunkard… Say they yelled and swung: “such is my belief, who concurs, follow.” What would a mindful person do? One would turn around and go their path. Senior, if me or you behaved so disrespectfully, what would the Nation think of us? They would reply: “You are not worth of being my teacher and my example; join the drunkards and the sinners, preach to them who match you!”

Jerman: I yet do not know how to release my fury. What to point at, what to do?

Pastor: They let me know you help suspicious people do their part in some movement you declare “educational”.

Jerman: Honest people!

Pastor: Eh, it is only worse when they are honest! For when such a Christ becomes an Anti-Christ...

Jerman: I have read it… Stands up. Thus we have finished. I am thankful to you, excellencies, to Senior Pastor, for your fine words and wise teachings; though I do not blame you for sticking your fingers in others’ matters. We know there are people in this world who would search for a rock in a sand desert only to stumble over it.

Pastor: Stands up, serious and harsh. You heard me talk with kindness so fitting to a Christian… But it also fits the latter to be precise and strict in the defense of the Nation and of the faithful.

Jerman: I came to understand the threat before you came to voice a word, before I arrived at this tribunal of sorts. Why tourner autour du pot? wordings were lengthy, the order was sharp: “Doth a stunt! standeth on thy headeth, as conditions-et-weath'r hest!” Yet I stand firmly on my own feet!

Principal: Sir Jerman, the highness of your job as a teacher demands…

Jerman: Turns around. I know the gospel well. The highness of a teacher’s social value shall inquire for the teacher to one day come white, another day black, as the lord requires. Further it demands from the teacher to have one’s head on a willful leash, so it can bow in all directions at once. It demands for the knee to not be made of bone but of dough so the teacher may kneel in the midst of a road into a puddle of mud if such is the will of the lord! Finally, it requests the teacher has their mouth shut and locked; they key to this lock shall be hung on the school door! I know this gospel very gallantly.

Komar: Is it fair for judges to plead and not judge?

Minka: He judged for himself.

Geni: Do not push into the mountains during the winter, Comrade!

Pastor: M-hmm… They told me you are well-educated and your future is bright; they as well told me you are very calm and a good care-keeper of your mother, so old and burdened.

Jerman: Jumps in fury. Do not name this saint with your dirty mouth! Lojzka approaches them.

Principal: Calmly, with care. I warn you not to cross the boundaries of acceptable social behavior.

Pastor: M-hmm… I hope you will think it all true and make up your mind once your heart is clear. Takes his hat and turns to the principal. Sir Principal, regarding other disputes… Turns to the whole room present. … We will discuss it at dinner. Leaves; principal follows; Komar opens the door to the two of them.

Jerman: Do open the window. Walks towards the window. Open it widely. Opens the window. For the smell to go away… Takes a step to the Komar, who had already retrieved his own hat from the stand. Halt, just a moment. Did you know I study the history of the Slovenian Nation?

Komar: Looks at him, baffled. Do not blame me…

Geni: You won’t be writing it down in the mountains.

Jerman: Await my words… You won’t miss the evening mass! Now I’m covering the history of Counter-reformation. At that time, they murdered half of all honest people of our lands; the other half went into exile. Only dirty animals remained… We are the ancestors of our forefathers. Turns towards the door; Komar steps away; Geni and Lojzka take on their hats, stepping towards the door.

Synopsis for Act Three

Act 3: Showdown at the Garden

Dude, Act 3 is like a showdown at the garden. Anka's making her exit, and Jerman's trying to keep it cool, but she's not having it. Then we got Minka and Geni, going on about this election and freedom vibes. Lojzka's just like, "Chill, I'm not judging," while Komar's all fired up, talking about victory and celebrating. And then Hvastja drops this bombshell about praying the Rosary, and Komar's losing his mind. The mayor and crew show up to say it's a close call, just one vote difference for the progressives. It's like everyone's riding their own wave, and it's getting wild, man.


Jerman: In the Jerman’s room. It has barely any inventory. Entrance is in the back, entry into his mother’s cabinet on the left, a window on the right and a desk by it. There are bookshelves by the bench; on its left another desk and some chairs. Behind it, we can see some settee and a tobacco bench. Jerman stands at the door on the left; Kalander is sitting on the chair by the desk, his palms on his legs. Jerman opens the door to his mother’s cabinet. Mother, bring us some coffee, and something to bite! Jerman picks up a notebook, counts with his pencil grabbed. Finally, Kalander, we are alone!

Kalander: It must be so, sir! Our lands have little fair men, even those are hardly present. In these lands, god first created women, cowards, then men.

Jerman: How many lowered their heads?

Kalander: Pretty much everyone. One says they are too old, they can no more take care of politics, they only think of death now. Last year it was not so yet. Another dismisses it, trusting us to do it without them; they are busy. That’s all fine. I really hate those who concur with my stand but whisper how repealing struggle and fight is. I have less hatred for those who dismissed me on the go. They know no lie and no disassembly in their hearts. They told me fair and clear: “I’m a coward, what am I to do!”; “It is winter, what do you expect from me?”; “Ah, it’s over…”; “Please no, I still have a family!”; “I want to live in peace… And dreams…” One must have pity for such cravens!

Jerman: All Correct as things be. This crushing was necessary; now we know who is with us and who is against us. Whose foundation will remain afloat through this black flood?

Kalander: They all sank and mine as well came close to dunking. God has given me a tough wife, and they issued me a fast. On the Sundays I wait for her, I sit and wait, till noon – she does not arrive. She makes no lunch. As they return, I ask: what was on your mind you dirty woman? With fury she replies: Who gave you the preach shall give you a lunch! I replied – the soul of mine is lost, thus why fast on Sundays? Should I not prefer to eat fair and square in this world and enjoy it as well when I depart?

Jerman: Kalander, Kalander. The Devil is teasing you!

Kalander: As I came across that very thought, I ask all the insects to pardon me… For they push to where there are only flames and ache. I had nearly betrayed my intelligence high for a piece of bread… Why would I post blame those who betray all of their knowledge and belief for a piece of the pie? I judge the human’s role in this world is first and foremost to live. That bread would fit me well; how much did I help the world by letting it expire?

Jerman: It most certainly is so. You have made simple and clear academic chants of so many others. They have created a whole field of science out of this question. Your words are sharp: betrayed their knowledge and belief for a piece of the pie… An academic, on the contrary, goes on to stretch it out, explaining from the dawn until the sun sets… They build layers and layers of paragraphs, touching the sky and the Sun, wordings gathered from dozens of glossaries… At the end of the day you lose your consciousness… You kneel down and pray to them… You plea them and honor them and heil them… Not out of respect, but out of tiredness. They’ve written books upon books about the peace of pie you came to mention – and have proven your point: when there are ninety-nine reasons for betrayal, there is only one for one to be just. Jerman’s mother brings tea, bread and chilly meat; they place it on the left side of the desk. Jerman takes a step to them, but his mother turns around silently and vamooses the scene. Jerman grabs Kalander’s hand, pulling him. Sit, friend, for us to warm up.

Kalander: Joins Jerman and sits. To me it looks as though alienated hands of withdrawal and starch have brought us this meal.

Jerman: Sluggish and pensive. Many future noshes of ours will be rotten and putrid; many nights to come shall be watchful; many times, walking this route, we will ask the devil to come save us, to end this suffering. With glad. We issued ourselves this meal, let us eat it up!

Kalander: Takes a drink. I am not afraid sir, and never was. That which I voiced is clear – I do not gather with adulterates by will; I ask god to divert me from such evils. The whole village is drunk. A drunkard has no carry for my mouthings! Preach to a bastard for an hour and longer. They will listen to you for the hour and more… At the end, they will take up their blades and shatter your skull. The lands of ours are drunk and it cannot be exorted by words. Be patient for the wine to mist.

Pastor: Takes a sip of tea. Word is the seed, yet thought is the harvest. A wise man told me that once, and it stuck with me.

Jerman: Leans back, contemplative. Wise words indeed. Sometimes we get lost in the surface of things and forget to dig deeper to understand the true essence.

Pastor: Nods. Precisely. And it's not just about understanding words, but also about understanding people. People can be complex, Jerman. Layers upon layers, just like the ocean's waves.

Jerman: Sips tea. You're right. People are like waves – constantly moving, changing, and sometimes crashing onto the shore with a force that's hard to predict.

Pastor: Takes a biscuit. Just like life, right? Full of unpredictable tides and currents. But there's beauty in that chaos too.

Jerman: Grabs a biscuit as well. True, there's a certain allure to the unknown. Keeps life exciting, keeps us on our toes.

Pastor: And it's our choices that determine how we ride those waves. We can either let them toss us around aimlessly, or we can learn to navigate and even serf them skillfully.

Jerman: Smiles. serfing the waves of life… I like that metaphor. It's all about finding balance, using our skills to stay afloat and ride through challenges.

Pastor: That's the spirit, Jerman. And remember, just like in the ocean, sometimes you might wipe out and fall, but that's not the end. It's all part of the journey.

Jerman: Nods in agreement. I appreciate this conversation, Pastor. It's given me a different perspective on things.

Pastor: Takes another sip of tea. Glad to hear that. Sometimes all we need is a change in perspective to see the world in a new light.

Jerman: Looks at the picture on the bench. You know, I've been thinking about the people who've come and gone in my life. Some left a mark, while others were just passing ripples.

Pastor: People are like those passing ripples too – some are meant to teach us something in the moment, while others are there for the long haul.

Jerman: Quietly. There's someone who left more than just a ripple in my life. Someone whose absence I feel deeply.

Pastor: Sincerely. Losing someone who's left a significant impact can leave a void that's hard to fill. But their influence, their lessons, they stay with us.

Jerman: Stares into his tea. I just wish I had more time with them, you know? More time to understand, to appreciate, to connect.

Pastor: Puts a hand on Jerman's shoulder. Time is something we can't control, my friend. But what we can do is cherish the moments we had and carry their legacy forward.

Jerman: Takes a deep breath. You're right. I need to focus on the present, on the waves I'm riding now, and make the most of them.

Pastor: Stands up. Wise words, Jerman. And as you ride those waves, remember that even in the toughest storms, you're not alone.

Jerman: Stands up as well, feeling a sense of camaraderie. Thanks, Pastor. I appreciate your visit and your insights.

Pastor: Puts his hand out for a handshake. Anytime you need a different perspective, just know I'm here.

Jerman: Shakes the Pastor's hand firmly. I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the chat.

Pastor: Smiles. Take care, Jerman. And keep riding those waves.

Jerman: Watches as the Pastor leaves. I will, my friend. I will.

Jerman: Looks at Lojzka intently. Do you have so little faith in me? I told you, this lassitude is but a shadow, and shadows cannot overpower the light that burns within me.

Lojzka: Sits down again, next to Jerman. I believe in you, Jerman, but I also see you as a human being, susceptible to emotions and fears, just like any of us.

Jerman: Smiles slightly. You've always been able to see through me, haven't you? It's a gift and a curse, to have someone who knows you so well.

Lojzka: Takes Jerman's hand. We're in this together, through thick and thin. Whatever challenges come our way, we'll face them as a team.

Jerman: Squeezes Lojzka's hand gently. Thank you for being my anchor, Lojzka. Your presence gives me strength when I need it the most.

Lojzka: That's what partners are for, right? To support and lift each other up. We've faced tough situations before, and we've always come out stronger.

Jerman: Nods, feeling reassured. You're absolutely right. We've tackled criminals, mysteries, and danger head-on. This won't be any different. Together, we can handle anything.

Lojzka: Leans in closer. And remember, no matter what happens, you're not alone in this. I'll be right there by your side.

Jerman: Smiles genuinely. I don't know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you, Lojzka.

Lojzka: Laughs softly. You've always had a knack for finding trouble, and I've always had a knack for getting you out of it.

Jerman: Chuckles. That's true. It's like we were destined to be partners. They share a heartfelt moment, their hands still intertwined.

Worker: Points at the window. Look, they're here!

Jerman: Turns towards the window, Lojzka by their side. Let them come. We'll face whatever comes our way, together.

Lojzka: Squeezes Jerman's hand. And when this is all over, we'll catch some epic waves and ride them like there's no tomorrow.

Jerman: Grins. That's a promise. No matter how rough the seas get, we'll always find our way back to the waves.

Kalander: Approaches the group. So, you're ready to face the storm, huh?

Jerman: Stands up, Lojzka following suit. We're not just ready, we're stoked for it. Let's ride this out, Kalander.

Kalander: Nods approvingly. That's the spirit, my friends. Whatever the world throws at you, ride it like you're riding the biggest wave of your life.

Lojzka: Grabs their boards from the corner. We'll ride it with style, just like true West Coast serfers.

Jerman: Puts on their hat, ready for action. Time to show them that we're not backing down. Let's go, Lojzka.

Lojzka: Raises their board with determination. Let's ride, partner.

Together, Jerman and Lojzka stride out of the canteen, ready to face whatever challenges await them, their spirits high and their hearts united. And as the sun sets on another day in their adventurous lives, they know that as long as they have each other, they'll keep serfing through life's twists and turns, no matter how rough the waves may get.

Principal: I urge all to maintain decorum and restrain from disruptive outbursts.

Jerman: Looks at Principal, then continues addressing the crowd. And there are those who tremble when a five-leaf clover is presented to them; those who believe that the way to god’s heart is through five knocks on their forehead. What a delightful image this world presents: the faithful in their daily routine, like trained seals, to please the domineering lords; the domineering lords, not aware of their insignificance, walking the path paved with the souls of those they trample underfoot. A congregation of puppets, all dancing to the tunes of a senseless play. Who are the true rulers? Those who possess the power to control the minds, to manipulate the souls of a misled multitude. The true ruler is not the one with the crown, but the one who molds the thoughts, who reigns over the beliefs of the masses.

Peasant: What is he talking about?

Another peasant: He’s going bonkers!

Komar: Approaching Jerman. And what are you talking about, genius?

Jerman: Smirking. I’m simply sharing a perspective that some might find uncomfortable, yet it’s a perspective that needs to be examined. The world isn’t as straightforward as we’re led to believe. People ought to question, to doubt, to seek the truth beyond the smoke and mirrors.

Anka: Standing up and cheering. Like, totally! You’re, like, blowing our minds right now!

Jerman: Thanks, Anka. And remember, it’s important to realize that the power to change this world lies within each and every one of us. We have the choice to break free from the puppeteer’s strings, to serf the waves of truth, and to rise above the tide of ignorance.

Komar: Sighs. You always did have a way with words, didn’t you?

Jerman: Grins. Just trying to keep things gnarly, my friend.

Komar: Rolls eyes. Alright, gnarly it is.

Peasant: Raises a hand. Can I ask a question?

Jerman: Sure thing, buddy. Shoot!

Peasant: What’s a puppeteer?

Jerman: Laughs. Good question! A puppeteer is someone who controls puppets, making them move and do things as if they were alive. But in a larger sense, it refers to those who manipulate or control others behind the scenes, like the folks who pull the strings of a puppet.

Peasant: Nods. So, like, someone who makes us do stuff without us knowing?

Jerman: Exactly! It’s all about making us dance to their tune while we think we’re in control.

Peasant: Woah, heavy stuff, dude.

Jerman: You got it, my man. It’s time to ride the waves of awareness and break free from the strings that bind us.

Anka: Totally tubular, dude! We’re, like, gonna ride the waves of truth and, like, shred those puppet strings!

Jerman: That’s the spirit, Anka! Let’s all catch the wave of enlightenment and ride it all the way to a brighter future!

As the crowd starts to buzz with energy and excitement, Jerman's words resonate with some, inspiring them to question the status quo and seek a deeper understanding of the world around them. The room is filled with a mix of curiosity, confusion, and newfound determination, as the diverse group of characters takes in this unconventional message. And as they continue to ride the waves of conversation, each one begins to see the world from a new perspective, carving their own path towards a more enlightened existence.

Principal: Your attention is required for a moment, please.

Jerman: Seriously? Can't a dude catch a break?

Lojzka: Like, totally. Principal, you're like, interrupting some heavy vibes here.

Principal: My apologies, but it's necessary. The situation has taken a gnarly turn. There's a heavy buzz in the town about what went down earlier. The people are in a total uproar, man.

Geni: Whoa, hold up. What's the scoop, Principal?

Principal: The word on the street is that the masses are seriously heated. They're rallying up, ready to hit the town square like a tidal wave of rage. They've got torches, they've got pitchforks, and they're coming for Jerman.

Jerman: Bummer, man. Looks like my little speech really got them worked up.

Lojzka: No worries, dude. We've got your back. We'll handle this like a team, right?

Geni: For sure! We'll catch that wave and ride it out together, no matter how gnarly it gets.

Jerman: Thanks, you guys. You're real amigos. But let's not make things messier than they already are. I'll split town for a bit, let things cool down. No need for a full-blown showdown.

Principal: Excellent plan, Jerman. I'd recommend cruising to a spot where the waves are chill and the vibes are good until this blows over.

Jerman: You got it, Principal. I'll be on my way, riding the currents and catching some much-needed R&R.

Lojzka: And when you're ready to ride back into town, just give us a shout. We'll be waiting with open arms, dude.

Geni: Totally, man. Until then, stay stoked and keep your cool.

Jerman: Thanks, amigos. I'm outta here, off to chase some waves and soak up the sun. Catch you on the flip side!

With a nod to his buddies, Jerman heads out, ready to ride the tides of uncertainty and find a peaceful spot to hang loose until the storm blows over. As he leaves, his friends watch him go, knowing that this maverick detective will find a way to navigate the waves of chaos and come out stronger on the other side. And as the sun sets on this chapter, they remain ready to catch the next wave of adventure, no matter how big or gnarly it may be.

Dude, like, you won't believe the vibes in here right now. Geni, man, I couldn't catch a wave of sleep even if they pushed me into the mountains for Christmas. Got myself a drink, though, and blessed it, 'cause work is a total snooze-fest and this gig is my only lifeline. Remember that essay we were scripting on the teacher's digs being totally divine? I had them all clapping like I spun the gnarliest tale ever. Not a peep about the hills and peeps from those parts, no mention of those worn-out shirts, busted hill kicks, or the most righteous-shaped potatoes you've ever seen. Nah, none of that, no conservative superintendent... I tell ya, that essay was like a crystal ball into my future – fake it till you make it, bro. But now, I'm so over it.

Lojzka, you're a legend for sticking around, but trust me, I'd bolt too if I could. And Jerman, man, you're always onto that dark wave. Death's no out-of-bounds, am I right?

For real, Lojzka, you got a stay, no use in being bummed out. We got your back and we're gonna ride those crazy waves together. We'll fight the tide, and when the sesh is over, no regrets, dude.

Jerman: You're on to something, Lojzka. I'm not putting up with a gnarly farewell show. But hey, I'm splitting town for a bit, cooling off till the vibes mellow. No need for a full-blown drama scene.

Principal: My bad for the interruption, dudes. But the town's buzzing like a freakin' beehive about what went down earlier. People are fired up, ready to storm the scene like a tidal wave of anger.

Jerman: Seriously? Can a dude catch a break around here?

Geni: Hang loose, man. What's the 411, Principal?

Principal: Word on the street is, the crowd's all riled up. Torches, pitchforks – the whole shebang. They're coming for you, Jerman.

Jerman: Bummer, bro. Seems like my speech really sent them over the edge.

Lojzka: No worries, my dude. We've got your back. Let's ride this wave together, no matter how heavy it gets.

Geni: Totally, man. We'll stick with you through the barrels and wipeouts.

Jerman: Thanks, amigos. You're the real deal. But let's keep it chill. I'm gonna bounce for a bit, ride the waves till things cool down. No need for a major showdown.

Principal: Good call, Jerman. Find a spot with good vibes and smooth breaks, and just vibe till the storm passes.

Jerman: You got it, Principal. I'll be out, riding the waves of uncertainty and catching some rays. Catch you on the flip side, dudes!

And so, Jerman cruises off, ready to ride out the waves of chaos until they simmer down. As he dips, his crew watches him go, knowing he'll find his balance amidst the turmoil and emerge even gnarlier. And as the sun sets on this episode, they stay primed to catch the next set of adventures, no matter how wild they may be.

Synopsis Act Four

Act 4: Reflections on the Shore

Act 4 is all about reflecting, dude. We're back at the garden, but the vibes have changed. Jerman and Anka are having this deep talk about love and feelings, and it's like they're trying to find their balance. Then there's Geni, keeping it real with some beer vibes. But things take a serious turn when they start talking about intellect and the nation's fate. Komar's still stoked on that victory, but he's calling out Lojzka for being silent. And then, out of nowhere, Hvastja drops another bomb, and it's like the tension's back, bro.


Yo, dudes and dudettes! Check it out, we got a scene going on here, like totally tubular vibes, man! Jerman's in the house, the maverick cop from the '70s cruisin' down the streets of LA with Komar, his righteous cop partner, bringin' the heat to the scene. Anka's got that valley girl charm, you know, like totally spaced out and all. Geni, man, he's all about that hierarchy, a Nazi sub captain, can you believe it? Pastor's like straight outta the East Coast mafia, keepin' it real.

Minka, she's all about equality, rollin' in as a Soviet sub committee gal, while Lojzka's the surfer chick who's catchin' some waves, even though her acting might wipe out. Hvastja's got that sausage obsession, and Postperson's droppin' raps like juicy gossip. And Doctor? Picture this: futuristic silver suit, total klutz, always causin' chaos with their own wipeouts.

But hold up, Principal's that robot, stiff as a board, and Mayor's got the jive talk goin', a total cokehead. Kalander's a real psycho, and his wife? She's all about helpin' horses, man. Mother, she's a waitress with some serious brainpower, hidden behind that apron. Pisek's pullin' off acrobatics and downing alcohol, while Nace is spoutin' conspiracies like a wild one.

Peasant's got a major case of nostalgia for the old days, and Bartender? Dude's a total zombie. Delavec and Voices? They're surfin' bros, always hangin' loose. And don't forget, those peasants and laborers? They're dramatizing like dramatic porpoises, man.

Jerman: Yo, a canteen scene! A door on the left, cruisin' out to the road. Windows on each side, man. Back there, we got doors to a special hall, and on the right, that's the entrance to the innkeeper's spot. Tables and chairs everywhere, dude. Check out that sideboard on the right. Kalander and the workers chillin' on the right. I roll in from the left, cloak on, seriously serious vibe goin' on. Shouts to the back door, Bring me some water! Toss my hat on the rack. How's it hangin'?

Kalander: Dude, it's lookin' gnarly! Three chicks spat on me cruisin' here – bad juju, man.

Worker: They gathered by the church, man. Like dribble and slabber, it was like freakin' Good Friday gone wild.

Bartender: Slides in with water. Yo, listen up, excellence – don't blame me for this. I promised you a spot, and I'm not bailing on that promise. But next time, can you gather somewhere else? I ain't into drama, man. I'm just an innkeeper, for all the righteous cats. I ain't leavin' anyone out. Be stoked! Drama ain't my jam. That's how it's gotta be, no blame on me. Starts to split.

Jerman: Pours water, spills it on the floor. In this case... I'd rather have some wine! Bartender tosses me a bottle and bails.

Another worker: Dude got schooled, poor soul.

Jerman: Feelin' a bit clammy in here?

Kalander: It's a rad autumn day, not many days this cool.

Jerman: Could just be me, man. Bad sleep, head's been heavy since sunrise. Bartender drops some wine, lays it down on the table, and bails. How 'bout we chill in solitude? Let's talk quiet and solo, about how crazy the times are, how twisted these hamlets have gotten. Can't reshape times or hamlets, bro. Can't stop hail or tamp down party vibes in the soil. I saw 'em on the way in, headin' off to do their prayers for Christ, Mary, and the saints. But so much muck in their eyes, I'd dodge 'em by a mile. Saint Francis taught animals to spread love, these dudes can't even learn that.

Kalander: Yo, ease up on the preachin', man. Call someone a bastard, they'll pull a blade and split your skull, sayin', "I ain't no bastard!" Mayor struts in, cloak hangin' loose, hat on their head, hands behind their back. Mayor's at the door, chucklin' low.

Jerman: Mayor in the house!

Mayor: Chuckles, talkin' slow. We got ourselves a groovy crew, brothers! Spins around, bails out.

Kalander: No need to give that rat a welcome. Fat pig shut the windows when the righteous procession rolled by!

Jerman: My vibe's off... Even my vibes are smoother than their hearts and minds.

Worker: Seems like we won't be alone! Three peasants stroll in from the right, Bibles in hand, park it in the corner.

Kalander: Much love, neighbors! Farmers are silent. Stay quiet if you want, but you ain't deaf.

Worker: Like three shadows, just hangin', quiet. Lojzka rolls in from the left, I get up to meet her.

Jerman: Where you cruisin' from? This ain't your scene.

Lojzka: Gets closer, we both sit center stage. Let's bounce, man! Suit up and dip! Leave it all behind... Let 'em finish alone, or leave it half-baked. Let 'em chat... Split!

Jerman: What? You wiped out on your way here?

Lojzka: By chance, I caught their chatter... They were by the church, already toasted...

Jerman: What were they jawin' about? I gotta catch that righteous people's voice, the holy gossip.

Lojzka: Don't delay your escape, man... Trust, you're sick... Really sick. Your eyes are like a sick dude's, man.

Jerman: What were their words?

Lojzka: They wanna boot you, dude. Someone else said they'd do it without even signing a note. Far out, the third one said. They all cracked up after that.

Jerman: They got it spot on. Slides behind a desk up front. Listen up – they didn't need to drop ancient news on me. I think I might've heard that same line about kickin' it already... Woke up with a leaden head today; my legs felt like Everest climbs. Bad sign for a dude not born a hero, but actin' like one, 'cause that's how the world spins...

Lojzka: Why bother, why stall, why wait for 'em? You're feelin' off today, sick to the core! Starts to get up.

Jerman: I came here for this, waitin' on 'em – I'll spill it to you, since you're down with the vibe – waitin' on 'em... 'Cause they're sayin' they're movin' me out, far away... Lojzka gets up. Nah, man! Don't guess different from me... I ain't shakin', not from fear, not from pain; what's pain, you know? Just weariness, and weariness alone... Hate big enough to cover my heart and chest. Wish I could slice it off with one swift move... Think 'bout it: kinda ironic, a kin to the hero, the one who bled, stood tall for belief! We subconsciously reach for each other's hand; we're strollin' to the left.

Lojzka: Your hands are shakin', dude.

Worker: Check the window, man!

Kalander: "Gypsy" faces! Yo, whoever's peepin' from over there, join the party; you're gonna hear a sermon like never before!

Jerman: Chill, man. That dark thought hit your mind, let it roll away. By evenin' – when we're all good and solo – we'll be smilin', both of us. A young farmer strides in, takes a seat firm by the bar, knocks the table. Innkeeper rolls in, housekeeper in tow.

Lojzka: They want us to smile, yet you're not cuttin' down on the whimpering, the horror tears.

Jerman: I won't try to enlighten these cave dudes; let 'em fade away! How simple it'd be to battle this dumbness – their souls are hungry, thirsty for the wellspring of knowledge... If only it weren't for the riches... So their relatives tied 'em down, told 'em: "Don't roam the streets, man. Better not lose that eternal soul of yours! Stay by your fire, starve away. Your soul'll turn to gold!" – Poor dumbness just chills by the fire, whining, as the sacred keepers feast on her ounces and rubles. It's our mission to reveal these keepers, show the people their true colors: "Check the shepherd above you!"

Jerman: Do leave! You do not fit into the presented company!

Lojzka: There is an inquiry I carry for you.

Jerman: Do question me!

Lojzka: Is it foolish to pray?

Jerman: It is little but a kind thought… Arriving at where it is titled. The two shake hands. Lojzka leaves. Jerman turns around to return to the tables. At the backside, Komar appears. They come without a hat; their hands rest in their pockets. Stands easily and smiles.

Komar: As Jerman goes by. So you have really tied the tie?

Jerman: Turns around by the table. Tie what? Tie Whom?

Komar: Similes. Tied your pouches… We’ve got a hundred and sixty-three by now!

Jerman: …Of what?

Komar: We’ve got 163 signatures… I quacked against it; let us wait. Why would we? Not much can be done. The people call for their voice to be heard, they do not like waiting for the recipient. It must be so! I judge we will have three hundred of them or more by tomorrow.

Jerman: Three hundred of what?

Komar: Signatures… Probably not banknotes!

Jerman: Who is signing people up?

Komar: They told me to do it… So I do! The people are furious; badly provoked. Who would rebel against the people? My heart is sorry for you… I pity you, truly! It would not be sweet to march up there, into the hills…

Jerman: Into the mountains? On Goličava, wherever the clergy abducts the hatches of the tabernacle for a mirror, used to monitor whether the teacher crosses themselves while doing the sacrifice. There? Takes a step towards the Komar.

Komar: It seems one has informed you by now… You must have readied your cases by now, poor Jerman. Whoever takes a turn to Goličava does not return – as of now, not one has. They forget you, that’s it! The people request a parole for a year, two, three… Then they finally grow tired of it. The final of them had died years ago; only last year they had noticed this tragedy! If only I could offer you a helping hand… If only! What am I to do? The people command; I am only – so to say – an executor of the command of my supervisors! Lastly, question your own will. Have you not caused yourself a fraction of this pain?

Jerman: How dare you! You have gotten so naturalized to the servants? Since ever you’ve been a smart-head!… Take care to preserve your tears and preaches for later; I have little need for such goods – I carry tons of it by now. Farewell! Turns around.

Komar: Laughing. Farewell? We shall utter so, comrade, it is us who shall voice you a good bye!

Kalander: To Komar. Why don’t you come into our room? You stand by the door, staring, as though you were an officer! Komar turns away and exits the scene. In the meantime, numerous people – young and old – have gathered. Pisek arrives from the right; heading towards the Jerman’s table.

Pisek: Is drunk. Pisek has arrived, sir! People’s command, is it not? We’ll show them, brownshirts, who is boss, won’t we? How many arrived? Where do they sit? Turns to the people. Today is the judgment day…

A young peasant: Who will you show who the boss is; who?

Kalander: To Pisek. Do not shout, drunken fly!

Pisek: Turning. Drunken? Who is drunk? Who do you proclaim a drunkard?

Worker: You are drunk like a cow, get out of here!

Pisek: Takes a step back, taking his coat off. Oh, your excellence, do not take offense! Bows, speaking unclearly. Pardon me, have I guaranteed myself the liberty to so to say… Judge for myself… Turns away from the people. Do not bother this excellent gathering! The lords ask to be let some solitude! We are all naughts and poors, we stink like muck! Taking a look at Jerman. Who are you? We take care of you, we feed you; you remain a rebel and stare at us as though we were uncivilized bastards. Do we require some calm-less soul here? Let me clear the waters: do not bother with the flame; for you will bake your skin and pain will never come to reduce! Turns back to the people. Such will, huh? Jerman wants to give you a lesson, huh? Continues to speak; from time to time, their voice can be heard: “Excellence,” “needy,” “Peasants,” “What?”… The room is nearly filled.

Kalander’s wife: From the left; speaking softly and is hardly heard. Have they arrived? They have come! They’re sitting among the faithless and the Anti-Christs, muddying their soul, drawing shame to themselves, their wife and their children!

Kalander: I knew she would come on time! God bless, do take a drink, old lady.

Kalander’s wife: Drink by yourself! Are you not smart and aged sufficiently not to gather with people left behind by any Christian? Not to gather with the people who back-stab their faith and their goddess, who shall be met by the darkened devil as they pass?

Kaladner: She is such, and there is not much one can do! That is little compared to her blunders at home, where her preaches are only tougher!

Kalander’s wife: Don’t you think about it? You half-father and a pastor to your children! Don’t you think how god will not strike only you – whereas you deserve it – but will as well strike your household; god will ass well commence thunder by my side, as I take care of you every Sunday… You worthless rat, headed to hell! Do laugh – the time shall soon come for you not to laugh – you will voice your cries to god, and to me as well! We will not reach out to you, god won’t and neither will I! Should they beat you, as they crucify you, I will not come to pray for you; I will not be your savior. I will not even bother to open the door as they bring your body!

Kalander: Is it like so? Shall I be beaten? What other nonsense are you to make up?

Peasant: Shouts. We have heard one preach, now issue us another!

Kalander: Sir… Tell them abruptly – do not insult them. They are waiting for the word most barbaric, much like a dog waits for a bone!

Another peasant: Who wills to say something, do open your mouth wide, do begin to mouth your wordings!

Nace: Is an old farmer, wearing a white hood. Their backwardness is written all over their face. Having been standing on the left, they take a step closer to the centre. You say we are to face a preach? God’s wordings are sacred in the church; but so they are by the pathways or by the roundabout. I too, beloved Christians, head to show you how we shall stand in the valley of Jozafat!

Peasant: It is not your turn, Nace!

Another peasant: Let them talk, let Nace talk! Their talk will be sweet – sweeter than the teacher’s for that matter!

Nace: Dear Christians, when we stand in the valley of Jozefat…

Kalander: Shut it, coward!

Jerman: Takes a stand. Companions!

Voices: Companions? Who here is a companion of yours?

Jerman: Begins to talk; initially calmly and slowly. Comrades! I see your eyes voice how you came to listen to and take a look at a comedy. You have commenced with a divergent thought – and you are honest enough not to hide it. You have gathered to finish the comedy, and predominantly to conclude the play by spitting at and removing the joker; kick him out of the world. You are righteous to shine, smiling in the dark times which surround us… When the riches are burning and the taxes…

Some random: What do you make fun of us?

Jerman: Yet I did not summon you – not to exercise this grief and not to conduct comedy. We did not gather to overthrow god; not to insurrect counter to the crown. Our thought is calm and I am fairly certain we shall conduct it smiling. As you were thought, god gives everything, which grows on this Earth…

Some feminine voice: What for do they mouth about god?

Jerman: Everything is made and set by god, except for foolishness. What we conduct to counter this foolishness is the god’s will and is thus holy as the all-knowing had sent it and insofar it has remained the all-loving work. I stated all this for you have named me an Anti-Christ before I have voiced a chord.

Some feminine voice: They declared themselves to…

Jerman: There certainly are some among you who desire knowledge – I call them to accompany me. They will be enlightened and will come to understand how Catechism is not the start nor the end of the Library of Alexandria; the time has come to lower the wall set to the human being by both holy and secular hawks and birds of prey. Some in the country of ours, many of them, would not come to a hold, had god sent all four great and minor preachers after them.

Peasant: Has he not just declared us brain-less?

Jerman: I will not attempt to enlighten such cavemen; let them rot! How simple a battle against such thought would have been – souls of theirs are hungry; they are thirsty enough to themselves near the source of knowledge… Had stupidity only been stupidity; had it not been stuffed with riches… So its relatives came to chain it in its room and told it: “Do not bother traveling the roads, for you better not lose your immortal soul! Remain by your fireplace; cry in hunger, thus your soul will be granted timeless gold!” - Poor stupidity remains by the fireplace and whimpers in hunger, as its sacred keepers cheer and are being fed through her ounces and her rubles. Thus it is our need to uncover such keepers and show their honest hearts to the people: “Take a look at the shepherd above you!”

Radical, dudes and dudettes! Check out this gnarly scene goin' down! Jerman, the ultimate 1970s LA cop, is layin' down some heavy truth bombs. Komar, his cop buddy, is cruisin' in like a righteous wave. Anka, the valley girl, is doin' her thing, and Geni, that Nazi sub captain, is just ridin' the hierarchy. Pastor's bringin' that East Coast gangster vibe, you know what I'm sayin'?

Minka, the Soviet sub committee gal, and Lojzka, the surfer chick, they're all there, hangin' loose. Hvastja's still obsessin' over sausages, and Postperson's droppin' raps like juicy gossip. Doctor's causin' chaos as usual in their futuristic silver suit, and Principal's still stiff as a board. And Mayor? Man, he's talkin' the jive and rollin' like a total cokehead. Kalander's psycho vibes are on full display, and his wife's all about them horses.

Mother, the waitress physics professor, she's hidden behind that apron with some serious brainpower. Pisek's pullin' off acrobatics while downing alcohol, and Nace is spoutin' conspiracies like there's no tomorrow. Peasant's stuck in the past, and Bartender's just zombified. Delavec and Voices? They're the surfin' bros, hangin' ten.

Jerman: Whoa, dudes and dudettes, major vibes in the air! Listen up, I didn't throw shade at religion...

Worker: They got the green light at the gate, man!

Jerman: Hold up, buddies...

Voices: Silence, guru! Feminine voices. Anti-Christ alert!

Feminine voice: Everyone chill for a sec. This cat's mom is on her way out, and he's here dishin' out the smack on our Lord? Alright, this is about to hit the turbo mode; words are flyin' like speed freaks.

Nace: Hey, cool Christians, let's not get too...

Jerman: Whoa, dudes, I'm standin' here, totally buggin'! What's the word you tossed out? What's the gnarly word you came up with to harsh my mellow? - SERFS! BORN AND BRED AS SERFS; RAISED AS SERFS, LIVIN' TO SERVE! NEW OVERLORDS KEEP ROLLIN' IN, BUT THE WHIP STAYS, 'CAUSE YOUR BACKS ARE TOTALLY USED TO IT, MAN!

A voice: Out the window. Are you righteous dudes gonna listen to this?

Voices: Total chaos, man. Absolute mayhem. Bust a move! - You wanna disrespect us? - Hit the road, Jack! - Dang, swing!

Jerman: Droppin' in on a chair with one foot, hoppin' on the table with the other. SERFS! "CHRIST" AIN'T GONNA JUST WALK UP TO YOU AND DROP SOME WORDS, BUT A WHIP! The crazy one, who cracked open your minds and laid down the curse...

Voices: We're done, dude! Who's the serf here? Feminine voices. You cats for real or what? Gonna bruise 'em? The dudes are on their feet now, glasses rattlin', a table takes a spill.

Delavec: Stones, man! Seal up the windows!

Kalander: Hey, chief, cool it!

Voices: A serf? Who? Glasses clank and jangle, some peeps chuckin' their glassware at Jerman; he's shieldin' his noggin' and wipes out onto the floor.

Nace: Keep it chill, Christians, keep it chill! No bloodshed! Peasants pull Nace away and start headin' towards Jerman.

Voices: From the back of the crowd. Take him out!

Worker: He's hurt!

Pastor: Cruisin' up to the door, all tall and blockin' the entrance. Vade in pace...

Kalander: He's got Jerman by the arm, pushin' him through the door on the right, grabs a chair. I'm Kalander, the blacksmith... Who wants to get some more deets? The crowd's backin' off, man.

Jerman: Whoa, dudes and dudettes, major vibes in the air! Listen up, I didn't throw shade at religion...

Worker: They got the green light at the gate, man!

Jerman: Hold up, buddies...

Voices: Silence, guru! Feminine voices. Anti-Christ alert!

Feminine voice: Everyone chill for a sec. This cat's mom is on her way out, and he's here dishin' out the smack on our Lord? Alright, this is about to hit the turbo mode; words are flyin' like speed freaks.

Voices: Shut it, teacher!

Nace: Hey, cool Christians, let's not get too...

Jerman: Whoa, dudes, I'm standin' here, totally buggin'! What's the word you tossed out? What's the gnarly word you came up with to harsh my mellow? - SERFS! BORN AND BRED AS SERFS; RAISED AS SERFS, LIVIN' TO SERVE! NEW OVERLORDS KEEP ROLLIN' IN, BUT THE WHIP STAYS, 'CAUSE YOUR BACKS ARE TOTALLY USED TO IT, MAN!

A voice: Out the window. Are you righteous dudes gonna listen to this?

Delavec: Stones, man! Seal up the windows!

Kalander: Hey, chief, cool it!

Voices: A serf? Who? Glasses clank and jangle, some peeps chuckin' their glassware at Jerman; he's shieldin' his noggin' and wipes out onto the floor.

Nace: Keep it chill, Christians, keep it chill! No bloodshed! Peasants pull Nace away and start headin' towards Jerman.

Voices: From the back of the crowd. Take him out!

Worker: He's hurt!

Pastor: Cruisin' up to the door, all tall and blockin' the entrance. Vade in pace...

Kalander: He's got Jerman by the arm, pushin' him through the door on the right, grabs a chair. I'm Kalander, the blacksmith... Who wants to get some more deets? The crowd's backin' off, man.

Synopsis for Act Five

Dude, Act Five of "Serfs" by Ivan Cankar takes us on a wild ride, ya know? So, like, there's this whole vibe of workers and peasants standing up against the big shots, just like, "Hey, man, we're not gonna take this anymore!" They're all fired up and ready to break free from the chains of oppression.

But, whoa, there's this total twist when some of the people start getting all divided and unsure, like, "Should we really be doing this, man?" It's like a total bummer, dude, 'cause unity is where it's at, right?

Then, there's this rad character, Tone, who's all about keeping the vibe alive and rallying the crew to stay strong. He's like the ultimate stoner guru, spreading wisdom and hope, man.

And things get even more intense when they're all confronted by authority figures, those uptight rulers who just want to squash the good vibes. But these peeps ain't backing down, dude. They're standing tall, fighting for their rights and stuff.

So, in a nutshell, Act Five of "Serfs" is like this wild journey of resistance, doubts, and a whole lotta spirit, man. It's all about staying groovy, staying united, and sticking it to the man. Right on, dude!


Act 5: Ride the Final Wave

Dude, Act 5 is like riding that final wave. We're back at the manor, and it's all about saying goodbye. Anka's peacing out, and Jerman's bummed but trying to keep it together. Minka and Geni are still talking about the election drama, but there's this mix of apathy and carelessness. Komar's back, still pumped about that victory, but things are getting tense. And just when you think it's over, the mayor drops the news about the election results, and it's like the whole scene is crashing down, bro.


Dudes and dudettes, check out this scene, man! We're at Jerman's pad, total West Coast vibes. Geni's chillin' by the table with a candle, Lojzka's brewin' some tea, and Jerman's just kickin' back. Papers are dusted with history, hangin' loose in the room.

Jerman: This vibe's gonna stick around. Do we really need more words? The history of the Slovenian nation's catchin' some Zs.

Geni: Reading. "Into exile. Only some gnarly animals stuck around... We're the real deal, our forefathers' legacy."

Jerman: Those words, man, they're like a truth serum for the soul, hitting you before you even catch a feel. Those leftover animals are servin' it up good, always on time for duty. I barely started trash-talkin', and they're already headin' for payback.

Geni: Gettin' up. When's your journey, bro?

Jerman: By the time the sun shows its face, I'll be rollin' out.

Lojzka: Where's that journey takin' you, man?

Jerman: Gotta dip, no time to wait... What else can you do? Sit by the mirror and watch tears roll, feelin' sorry for yourself? If I'm hittin' the road, I'll grab my stick and give you a nod goodbye – but no tears. That way, the journey's gonna be short and sweet, not much of a challenge. I was gettin' anxious about it – as the day comes closer, it's messin' with my head big time.

Lojzka: You're bouncin' tonight for Goličava?

Jerman: Where's that?

Geni: Definitely not paradise, dude! He's packin' by midnight, but he's second-guessin' where he's headin'. He ain't goin' too far this time.

Jerman: Who's sayin' I'm cruisin' to Goličava?

Lojzka: Get a grip and wake up, man... It's been ages since you caught some Zs.

Jerman: Whoa, dudes and dudettes, we're at Jerman's crib, vibes flowin' like a perfect wave. Geni's posted up by the table, candles lit, Lojzka's brewin' some herbal goodness, and I'm just chillin'. Those papers are like relics from a bygone era, covered in dust.

Geni: Reading. "Into exile. Only the gnarliest animals held their ground... We're the descendants of our OGs."

Jerman: Those words are like a truth serum, man, hittin' you right in the gut before you even know it. Those leftover animals are keepin' things tight, always on point with their duties. I barely started throwin' shade, and they're already gearin' up for payback.

Geni: Gettin' up. When's the journey, my dude?

Jerman: By the time the sun peeks over the horizon, I'll be cruisin' out.

Lojzka: Where's the journey takin' you, bro?

Jerman: Ain't got time to wait, gotta dip... What else is there? Sit in front of a mirror, watchin' tears fall, feelin' sorry for yourself? If I'm hittin' the road, I'll grab my stick, give you a head nod goodbye – but no tears, man. That way, the journey's gonna be short and sweet, no big challenge. I've been gettin' antsy about it – as the day creeps closer, it's messin' with my head big time.

Lojzka: You're bouncin' tonight for Goličava?

Jerman: Where's that?

Geni: Definitely not paradise, dude! He's packin' up by midnight, but he's wonderin' where the heck he's rollin' to. He ain't goin' far this time around.

Jerman: Who's claimin' I'm hittin' the road to Goličava?

Lojzka: Get it together, man... It's been ages since you caught some Zs.

Dude, it's like totally gnarly in Jerman's pad, chillin' out in the evening vibes. Check it out: there's this candle on the left table, a torch on the workbench, and Lojzka's just cruisin' around, whipping up some tea. Geni's posted up by the workbench, and Jerman's kickin' it on her left. You can see the dust's been hangin' around on those papers, man.

Jerman: No need to mess with the writings, dude. Slovenian history's put a cap on it, and that's that.

Geni: Readin'. "Sent into exile. Only the dirty animals stayed behind... We're our forefathers' descendants, man."

Jerman: The writing hand's droppin' the real deal, spillin' some truths, before the heart can feel the sting. Those dirty animals left behind, they're solid servants, always on time for their gigs... I barely start throwin' shade, and they're already bouncin' back for revenge.

Geni: Standin' up. When's your journey, man?

Jerman: By the time the sun peeks, I'll be outta here.

Lojzka: So where's this path takin' you?

Jerman: Not tryin' to waste time, man... What else is there? Sit in front of a mirror and watch myself sob? Feel bad for myself? If I'm hittin' the road, I'll grab my stick, maybe drop you a goodbye – but I won't be tearin' up about it. Keeps the journey short and sweet, not much of a challenge. I was freakin' out about it, but as the day gets closer, I'm gettin' psyched for it.

Lojzka: You're splittin' for Goličava tonight?

Jerman: Where's that?

Geni: Definitely not paradise, bro! He's packin' up by midnight, but he's still clueless about where he's headin'. He ain't gonna get far leavin' tonight.

Jerman: Who said I'm goin' to Goličava?

Lojzka: Pour yourself a drink and wake up, man... It's been ages since you got some shut-eye.

Jerman: So it's time to hit the road for real?

Lojzka: What you mean?

Jerman: I dunno, doc, when you're payin' off debts, don't forget to swing by once or twice.

Jerman: Thanks, man. But I ain't splurgin' on this journey. Doc, comin' from the left. Jerman walks over to them.

Doctor: I did my part, rest is on the Pastor and the man upstairs. Intellect's got little game when nature's in play.

Jerman: So, the time's right to pack, huh?

Doctor: What do you mean?

Jerman: I don't know, Mr. Doc, how to settle up your blessings. Seems like I'll never...

Doctor: I ain't keepin' score. Shakes Jerman's hand. Why argue with the big guy? You don't need pity, you're used to misery.

Geni: Used and abused, man. They'd catch a cold switchin' from a thunderstorm to a warm house.

Doctor: It wasn't cool... Wasn't cool... You mishandled...

Jerman: Grabbing doctor's hand. Break it down... How did I mishandle... How should I have done it? To Lojzka. Brew us some tea, will ya?... Lay it out, doc! My chest is packed with worries... Bad thoughts, man! Worth dyin' for. I gotta hear you say it. Offers the doc some tea.

Doctor: You're in bad shape... This cup's got your hands shakin'... This regular, down-and-dirty life's invaded your soul, messed it up bad... You ain't livin', can't live! A person's just a person: bread and wine come first, everything else is just a shadow. Belief and all that, it's like a coat – not even a coat, more like an umbrella! I'm a doc, you know, it's good for your health, especially digestion, to switch it up every year or two... Refresh that belief, man, like you refresh your blood.

Jerman: This wisdom ain't cuttin' it, dude... That ain't what I'm askin' for. Break it down, doc; I'm beggin' you. Imagine I treated 'em different... You get me?

Doctor: Let's say you played it another way...

Jerman: Can you swear, can you write a paper for me: I extended my mom's life by a day, even an hour?

Lojzka: Stand down! Don't even think about...

Doctor: Who knows... If I really dig deep...

Jerman: At least an hour? Just a sec?

Doctor: There's a chance.

Jerman: Thanks, man! Walking the doctor out, showing 'em the door. After saying goodbye by the door, Jerman's back; throws on his coat. I'm headin' to the Pastor. Lojzka, you keep watch here.

Geni: Standin' tall. I'll roll with you to the church.

Jerman: Roll with me – a non-believer – in the dark?

Geni: Down a Christian path.

Lojzka: Hits up the workbench, grabs some paper. Talkin' low. Hey there, dear one! It's you, a farewell from the underworld! The tear barely dried up... Hvastja comes in from the back, holdin' a bundle. Lojzka speaks to him, sittin'. Where you comin' from, arrivin' in these dark hills?

Hvastja: Gets closer, sets the bundle on a chair. Came to ponder how folks on the move might value a moment of peace more than any coin, so I'm here.

Lojzka: For comfort... No hard feelings, man, 'cause we kinda killed you!

Hvastja: If you got a wife and a trio of kids, you ain't ever pullin' off the murder bit.

Lojzka: Standin' tall. So you brought us a beatin' heart wrapped up in that bundle of yours?

Hvastja: Takes a seat on the left. That's the deal... I think... Hearts and beliefs and all that – it's young people's stuff. Let the young cats party! I'm gettin' older, married, got three kids now. For me, belief's like a cherry: where do I stick it when there's no cake?

Lojzka: You're better off ditchin' the cherry – 'cause of the cake.

Hvastja: Totally. Starts off feelin' sinful, then it's up in the air, then it's just how things are. Once you're hitched with three kids, you're gettin' real, learnin' the ropes... All that fancy talk, no matter how fancy, always comes down to bread.

Lojzka: True that, man. The Gospel of Willful Servitude bites. Why even live?

Hvastja: Ask a lonely tree in the middle of the desert: why grow? Grows, stands, dies, turns to mulch. Ask God why He put it there. Jerman and the Pastor come in from the back. Pastor moves through the room silently, exits stage left.

Jerman: You're early if you're here to sprinkle some holy water...

Hvastja: I'm here to say goodbye. Journey's gonna be rough, I'd trade a third of it for ya... Just a third, 'cause I'm old, worn out, and carryin' a load.

Jerman: Much appreciation for that third... But the road's one path, man, no breaks in it, just like God and death.

Hvastja: Figured you might face some hunger and tiredness on your trek... So I brought sausages – barn sausages, made by a married man with three kids.

Jerman: Big-time thanks for the sausages, man... And for the warm wishes too... But this journey, as harsh as it sounds, ain't about sausages or sympathy. My bad for dissin' you – and your "black suit"... I was young, questionin' people's faith, judgin' 'em by their words... But now, I know fine wine doesn't need a label. Shakes Hvastja's hand.

Hvastja: But about those sausages...

Jerman: They ain't a big deal to me, bro...

Hvastja: ...About those sausages, lemme just say, you never know when you'll crave grub the most. God's planted a dark thought in you; I see it in your eyes; He'll yank it when the time's right. The two of them head to the back. Hvastja leaves.

Jerman: Now, Lojzka, give me a hand, both of 'em.

Lojzka: I ain't in a rush to say goodbye... I don't wanna be alone, darkness freaks me out.

Jerman: Lock yourself in a room... Think of me during evening prayers; our thoughts will meet halfway.

Lojzka: I believe souls can chat and thoughts can link up. Last night, just before midnight, I heard you whisperin'.

Jerman: Your soul wanted a stroll.

Lojzka: Came back to sleep.

Jerman: That was around the time I sat down to pen you a long, heavy farewell. Soon as I said hi, my heart felt lighter and happier. That clean thought of you healed me, man...

Lojzka: Standin' tall. You called me out of embarrassment, but when you're face-to-face, your thoughts hide away. You're keepin' your sorrow locked up like gold... Let it out for the true eyes!

Jerman: It's ancient history... Hardly know it now. Like someone removed a stone... I don't feel that weight no more. I used to be young not long ago; feels like ages now. Once had a mom, friends, even a lady. Not long ago, the road of life was wide open. When did it all pass? Only God knows. Like wind came through and blew away the feathers I was pickin' up... Feathers are gone now. The memory's gone too, sorrow's gone; my heart's plain and worn, won't even sigh. It's weary... That sleep where dreams come true just as you lose it – sweet, right? I wanna jet and dream. Let's shake hands!

Lojzka: You're sayin' goodbye like you won't come back...

Jerman: You never know when sleep'll be your last... Holler back when you hear my shout!

Lojzka: I'm leavin' the lights on tonight; I'll be waitin' for your signal!

Dudes and dudettes, check out this deep convo goin' down in Jerman's pad! Geni's just chillin', reading the history of the Slovenian nation and droppin' some heavy lines. Jerman's rockin' that introspective vibe, pondering life and death. And Lojzka's makin' tea and offerin' some sage words. Let's ride the dialogue wave, surfer style:

Geni: Whoa, check this out, guys and gals! Jerman's room is lit with a candle and a torch on the workbench. Lojzka's hangin', makin' tea, and Geni's posted up by the bench. Jerman's kickin' it on her left. Dusty papers everywhere, man...

Jerman: No worries, bro. These words ain't goin' nowhere. Do we really need more ink to scribble down? The Slovenian nation's story's wrapped up tight.

Geni: Readin'. "Into exile, only the critters stayed... We're the descendants of our ancestors."

Jerman: The pen's spittin' truth and only truth, before your heart can even catch a taste of its bitterness. Those critters left behind are good peeps, never slackin' on their grind... Barely opened my trap to diss 'em, and they're already plannin' a comeback.

Geni: Risin' up. When you catchin' that path, man?

Jerman: Gonna hit the road before the sun's even up, dude.

Lojzka: Hangin' tight. Where's the road takin' you, my man?

Jerman: Ain't waitin' around, wanna jet outta here... What else is there? Sit around, watch myself get all teary-eyed in the mirror? Nah, man. If I'm takin' off, I'll grab my stick and drop a quick farewell – no tears, though. Short journey, minimal hassle. I was gettin' all jittery 'bout it – as the day approaches, it's like I'm losin' it.

Lojzka: You bouncin' to Goličava tonight?

Jerman: Where's that?

Geni: No paradise vibes, man! He's packin' up by midnight, but he's all unsure where he's headin'. Ain't gettin' too far tonight.

Jerman: Who says I'm cruisin' to Goličava?

Lojzka: Grab a sip and wake up, dude. Been a hot minute since you caught some Z's.

Jerman: What can I say, chief? I don't know how to pay off all your blessin's. I don't think I'll ever...

Lojzka: Hold up, not a word! Don't even think 'bout sayin'...

Doctor walks in from the left, and Jerman gets up to greet them.

Doctor: I've done my part; the rest is between the Pastor and the big guy upstairs. The intellectual scene ain't got much action when nature's played its cards.

Jerman: So, is it really time to pack?

Doctor: What you mean?

Jerman: I dunno, Mr. Doc, how to repay all your good wishes. I don't think I'll ever...

Doctor: I didn't jot those down, man. Shakes Jerman's hand. Why fight with the divine? No need to feel pitiful – you're used to hardship.

Geni: No doubt, man. They would've caught a cold steppin' from a thunderstorm into a heated house.

Doctor: It wasn't cool... Not at all... You were... uh...

Jerman: Grabs the doctor's hand. Go on, spill it... How was I... How should I have been?

Doctor: Let's say, if you'd treated 'em differently...

Jerman: Can you lay it out for me, Doctor? I'm beggin' you. Say I treated 'em another way... You feel me?

Doctor: Let's think this through...

Jerman: Tell me, dude; I'm beggin' you. Imagine I treated 'em different. You feel me?

Doctor: Let's assume another approach from you...

Jerman: Could you, like, write me a note sayin' I extended my mom's life by a day? Even just an hour?

Lojzka: Get down, not a word! Don't even...

Doctor: I don't know... If I really think about it...

Jerman: At least for an hour? Even just a moment?

Doctor: There's a chance, man.

Jerman: Stoked! Walks the doctor to the door, showin' 'em out. When they say goodbye by the door, Jerman comes back in and grabs his coat. I'm headin' over to the Pastor's pad. Lojzka, you be the guard, alright?

Geni: Gets up. I'm cruisin' with you to the parish, man.

Jerman: You comin' with me? On the dark side?

Geni: Down for that righteous Christian route.

Lojzka: Hits the workbench, grabs some paper. Speakin' soft. Hey, my dear, what's the haps? You're the ghost of goodbyes from the underground, huh? The tear's barely dried up... Hvastja enters from the back, holdin' a bag. Lojzka talks to him while she's sittin'. Where you rollin' in from, man? Comin' to these dark hills?

Hvastja: Gets closer, sets the bag on a chair. Came to think 'bout how peeps on the roam might value a moment of peace over any bills. So here I am.

Lojzka: To bring some peace, huh... Don't trip, man, we're the ones who offed ya!

Hvastja: Them folks with a wife and three kiddos? They ain't the ones pullin' the trigger.

Lojzka: Gets up. So, you're bringin' us a beatin' heart in that bag of yours?

Hvastja: Was kinda like that... I think... Hearts and faith and all that – it's a young folk's gig. Let the youngsters party on, man! Me, I'm all grown up now; I'm hitched with three rugrats. Faith's like a cherry for me: where do you even put it when there's no cake?

Lojzka: For sure, man. It's better to skip the cherry 'cause of the cake.

Hvastja: Totally. At first, it feels sinful, then it's all "Hmmm, is it legit?" and eventually, it's like, whatevs. When you're hitched with three kids, you get it, man – belief's like an umbrella. I'm a doctor too, ya know – it's good for your health, especially the digestion, to switch things up every couple of years... Like, refresh your faith, sorta. Just like blood needs changin'.

Jerman: This ain't really helpin', man... This ain't what I'm askin' about. Talk to me, Doctor; I'm beggin' you. Say I treated 'em different... You get me?

Doctor: Let's say you went about it a different way...

Jerman: Could you hook me up with a note? Like, "I added a day to my mom's life, at least an hour?"

Lojzka: Get down, no talk of that! Don't even...

Zombie Bartender: Dudes and dudettes, hope you're enjoyin' the gnarly show, but I gotta bolt. This dialogue's not for me. Heads out.

Hvastja: Makes his way over. You're makin' tracks early if you're here for the holy water bath...

Lojzka: Stoked you're here, man. Ain't waitin' around to bid a farewell... Don't wanna be alone, the dark's got me trippin'.

Jerman: Lock yourself in a room or somethin', man. Think of me durin' the evening prayer; our thoughts are gonna link up halfway.

Lojzka: Word up, I'm turnin' on all the lights tonight; gonna be waitin' for your vibes!

[Finale song]



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