To Rekono, Energija Plus and Elektro Maribor,
20 September 2024
Dear Rekono
Thank you for bringing the Britain of
the 1980s to Slovenia.
It was such a success the UK
never looked back. And look where it is now!
According to my electricity bill I
have "agreed" to 4.6 kWh in five time blocks. But what does this actually mean?
You need to go to Mojelektro.
First you must register with Rekono.
But then, on the one hand, my application to Rekono was declined. But on the
other hand, it succeeded. See attachments.
Welcome to the Britain of the 1980s.
All the data was entered correctly
and in the exact format suggested on the form.
As for the discrimination, please see
www.voy.si/e. NSMTs = Non-Slovenian Mother Tonguers.
You might want to fix this. I'll be
contacting the Ombudsman as under the circumstances - for these simply count up
the number of minutes you have spent during the last two months teaching a
foreigner Slovene - I don't believe an understanding of Slovene ought to be a
prerequisite for understanding an electricity bill.
As usual, the whole saga will
eventually be published at popular business/government failure website
When deciding whether my registration
has succeeded or failed, you might want to avoid the fate of Unicredit, whose
employees only worked there, and didn't know anything about what or why:
To Energija Plus and Elektro Maribor,
20 September 2024
Dear Electricity People
Please respond to
this page in which I ask, is my meter a
15-minute meter or not? And if so, why is it being interfered with? Where? And
by whom?
Obviously if I am to be given an
illusion of choice in how the bill is calculated, firstly I must gather this
If, as appears to have been the case,
I have a 15-minute meter that does not work, please fix it so that I can
exercise the choice that you are pretending to offer.
Dragi ljudje z električno energijo
Prosim, da odgovorite na http://cinema.si/slovenianelectricitytariffsthemovie, v
katerem sprašujem, ali je moj števec 15-minutni števec ali ne? In če je tako,
zakaj se vanj posega? Kje? In kdo?
Očitno je, da moram najprej zbrati te informacije, če želim imeti iluzijo, da
lahko izbiram, kako se račun izračuna.
Če imam 15-minutni števec, ki ne deluje, kot se zdi, prosim, popravite ga, da
bom lahko izkoristil možnost izbire, za katero se pretvarjate, da mi jo
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Advice from Rekono:
Part III - Slovenia's consumer defence authorities react